
Only the most recent meeting's minutes are displayed below.  If you would like to see past minutes please go the the CALLRGroup Minutes page.

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CALLR Minutes – Spring Meeting 2023 (Accepted Nov 9, 2023) (PDF Link)

Meeting Information Date: Thursday, April 27th

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: University of Houston-Clear Lake Bayou Building 2nd Floor

2700 Bay Area Blvd.

Houston, TX

Virtual Meeting Link: https://uhcl.zoom.us/j/95545863076

Attendees in Person: 

Henri Achee, Nicole Brown, Jennifer Crispin, Kasey Fuller, Helena Gawu, Lee Andrew Hilyer, Samantha Johnson, Karyn Jones, Alexandria Kennedy, Trey LaBorde, Robyn Lewis, Telishia Murray, David Palmer, Kathy Park, Phil Roche, Theresa Rodriguez, Juanna Shin, Rudy Silva, Carmen Walton, Pam Wells, Jenn Wigle, Alicia Wise, Anne Zwicky

Attendees via Zoom: Sanya Bunton, Kathleen Dillon, Michael Mitchell, Keitha Robinson, Jennifer Tapp

10:00-10:15 Welcome: Helena Gawu, Dean of Library Services | Lamar State College, Port Arthur 

Welcome: Lee Hilyer, Interim Executive Director of UHCL Neumann Library spoke about HARLIC and the power of networking.

Introduction of Speaker: Phil Roche, Director, Library and Learning Services | Brazosport College

10:15-11:15 Speaker: Dr. Clementine Msengi, Visiting Assistant Professor, Center for Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership, Lamar University

Program Topic: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Academic Libraries

Dr. Msengi spoke of her experiences as a refugee attending college in Iowa, shared her research on inclusion in libraries, and then invited a discussion of diversity, equity, and inclusion in libraries

Galveston College put out a puzzle table for Stress Less week and now they can’t get rid of it because the students love it so much!

A question about chat: are we assuming all users are students?

Dr. Msengi said she finds out about what the library is doing partly from librarians coming to faculty meetings (and also from personal relationships)

Some suggestion for DEI included grants for multicultural awareness/ DEI activities, programs for mentoring refugees and immigrants

Discussion of Policies and Procedures: Is DEI statement available? Does it exist? An example is https://library.uni.edu/diversity

Q: What would be one thing to address immediately? 

A: Assessment (survey) because each library is unique/ informal audit among staff

Q: Cultural differences: group work vs. independent work

A: It would help to explain how the process works and give them support, resources

HG: Once you find someone, you want to work with them because you are all alone. Once you get a support system, you want to do things together

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-12:00 Business Meeting


First-time attendees

Jenn Wigle HCC Spring Branch

Theresa Rodriguez, UHCL

Alicia Wise, Galveston College


Old Business

Reading/acceptance of Fall 2022 meeting minutes

Corrections on names and attendance of Bill Hord, Jenna Tapp, and Telishia Murray

Telishia made a motion to accept, Carmen Walton seconded

New Business

Constitution articles discussion – Helena Gawu, Lamar State College, Port Arthur

Executive committee looked at Constitution & Bylaws, which have not been revised in ten years. Looking at functions of executive committee members. Article III, B, “B. Executive members shall be chief executive librarian or director of member libraries of districts. Consortium business requiring the commitment of funds from member institutions will require a majority vote from the executive members. It will be the responsibility of each executive member to receive appropriate institutional approval for any CALLR activities requiring institutional commitments.”

Suggested wording

Henri Achee: that part is there because of funding commitments, but since there are no funding commitments, it’s not relevant.

Phil Roche suggested breaking into two– one part about who can be members and the other part about the responsibility to get funding

Henri suggested deleting membership info out

Attempted vote on change:

“Executive members shall be members of CALLR libraries

It will be the responsibility of each executive member to receive appropriate institutional approval for any CALLR activities requiring institutional commitments.”

Helena proposed just leaving in membership sentence

“III B General members shall be librarians and staff members of the CALLR member libraries. Any member can be an officer.”

Alexandria motioned to change III B

Very long debate about clarifying who can be an officer

David Palmer moved to put bylaws on Google drive and have members review; Alexandria seconded

Anne Zwicky mentioned UHD not being on membership list in bylaws. Lee Hilyer corrected in working document

Telishia suggested having executive committee work on changes and then present them to members who can give input

New CALLR Blog/Website/Social Media – Alexandria Kennedy, University of Houston-Clear Lake presented new suggested blog design

Invites those who know the history of CALLR to contact her by email with info about the organization’s history

Major changes: Resource sharing form and blog feedback form

Discussion of a vote on whether CALLR should have social media and if so, which 

Nicole Brown motioned to accept, Karyn Jones seconded, no one opposed

Job openings

Electronic Resources Librarian @ UHCL

Senior associate for acquisitions @ UHCL

Both posted on UH website

Part-time weekend reference librarian, Educational Resources, Technology Management @ UHD

HCC West Loop Library Director retires May 15, announcement expected after that

        HCC Felix Fraga will be available this summer: Public Services Librarian

Library news/updates

Phil Roche was still trying to get rid of compact shelving

Telishia is presenting at ALA Library Tech Panel COHA Innovative Library Systems panel

Karyn Jones got towers (paperback rack) for fiction, students like them

Alexandria: research & instruction at UHCL is setting up embedded librarian program, she’s looking for info

Fall 2023 meeting location and date discussion

Anne said maybe UHD, but she has to check with higher-ups, UHD as main, UHCL as a backup

When? Second Thurs in November is Nov 9, no apparent problems

Future RefShare topic suggestions

Running short on time, omitting RefShare Topics (can be submitted online)

12:00-12:40 RefShare/TechShare Meeting – Karyn Jones, San Jacinto College

COVID forced libraries to operate differently. What changes did your library make during the pandemic? Which ones remain and which ones were eliminated?

Ran out of time to address this question

HB 2736, SB 1152, and HB 2875 present special challenges for colleges with substantial dual enrollment programs. If these pieces of legislation are passed, how will they affect your library? (Please read the attached document for context.)

Discussion Points:

HB 2736, SB 1152, HB 2875

Showed penal code 43.21 Subchapter B. Obscenity

Carmen discussed MOU with HISD: dual credit students have access to all materials in HCC library “not here to supervise what they’re doing online”, Campus manager believed librarian had to supervise dual credit students the entire time they were there.

Henri & Carmen agreed that things won’t change until someone brings a complaint

Kasey brought up video streaming that contains R-rated movies and dual-credit students who can’t access college resources back at their High School campus. Challenged three times in the past two semesters

Nicole- nothing anyone could have done– we have to start putting policies in place, protections in place for staff

Anne Z says UHD doesn’t have dual credit, but does have questions about students under 18

Kasey brings up COPA law and how people under 18 couldn’t access information

Kathy Park: Obscenity has been used to exclude LGBTQ community

Discussion of wording including “normal”

Telishia brought it back to how it will affect our libraries and how we won’t know how it will affect us until it happens and it also depends on how our admins back us (and how they feel about students and academic freedom)

Nicole said this is something that will need directors and college administration to take action

Jenna suggested waivers giving blanket permission for access to materials

Helena said maybe there needs to be language in MOUs that absolve libraries

Jenn W talked about opting in vs. opting out

The final question was “How worried are we?”

Juanna mentioned legislation attempt that would put librarians in prison

Lee brought up Texas Library Association professional liability insurance, which costs $45 a year. He attended TLA’s spring conference and the state librarian mentioned potential requirements for ratings on materials, which vendors might be told to do.

Meeting adjourned at 12:40pm

12:40-1:00 Tour of University of Houston-Clear Lake Alfred R. Neumann Library – Lee Hilyer, Interim Executive Director, Library and Alexandria Kennedy, University of Houston-Clear Lake

1:00 Adjournment/Lunch